2-Please Answer Based On These Answers As They Are Listed, Each One Must Be Answered In APAform And Not Less Than 150 Words

4-The main problem that is affecting the organization that I work for is the problem of staff shortage. This has resulted in the nurses and other personnel being over worked and in some cases having to work longer hours. However, addressing this problem is proving to be a difficult job as one would think that the organization should just hire new nurses and other staff to solve the problem. However, this has not been a solution to the facility for different issues. One of the main issue that has resulted in the facility being unable to hire more staff is the decrease in finances in the facility (Jones, 2005). Therefore, the facility has been unable to successfully hire new nurses so as to be able to solve the problem of nurse shortage. As time goes, the allocations that are made to the facilities have reduced significantly as well as the decrease in the money that patients are paying as the government aims at providing affordable care.

The first solution to this problem is that the facility should begin by finding a new source of income. This means that the facilities need to engage in extra activities that will ensure that they are able to raise some money (Berent & Anderko, 2011). This money can be used to boost the allocations that they have as well as the money they get from treatments to ensure that they are able to have enough money to ensure that they are able to hire as well as pay more nurses and other workers. Further, facilities need to engage in the process of giving scholarships to nursing students. This will look to support education and training of nurses that will in turn increase the number of nurses in the country. One of the reasons that the facilities have been unable to fill the gap is because there are not enough nurses in the country.


Berent, G. R., & Anderko, L. (2011). Solving the Nurse Faculty Shortage. Nurse Educator, 36(5), 203-207. doi:10.1097/nne.0b013e3182297c4a

Jones, D. (2005). California nurse leaders address the state’s nurse shortage. Nurse Leader, 3(1), 46-49. doi:10.1016/j.mnl.2004.11.011

5-Developing a model that there are nurses that are experts in education and research therefore keeping the staff and organization up to date on evidence based practices. Staffing on the floors must be maintained and the funding for the evidence-based practices could be with each specialty such as ICU,ER, Peds, GI, family medicine, etc. Depending on the staffing and patient population there may be a higher demand for more than one evidence-based practice nurse. “Evidence-based health care makes a positive difference for patients and their families; excellence in providing that care is a pressing need. Adoption of evidence-based practice (EBP) leads to important improvements in outcomes for patients and their families as well as for clinicians and organizations. Health care-acquired conditions and complications are reduced, patient symptoms are improved, and cost of care is less.

Building support, however, for nurse-led EBP is a journey of persistence that requires a strategic and multifaceted approach. As part of their daily work and as members of interprofessional teams, nurses can lead the way in advancing EBP. A clear vision, infrastructure, climate, resources, formal reporting, and recognition—discussed below—are essential elements of the journey” (Sigma, 2018).

Sigma. (2018). Journey to evidence-based healthcare. Retrieved from: https://www.reflectionsonnursingleadership.org/features/more-features/journey-to-evidence-based-healthcare


6-Pay and benefits are one important factor for many health care organizations especially with budget cuts and higher acuity of patients. Some staff are mandated and burnout occurs causing an increase in staff shortage. How would you see this as a possible solution in your own facility or how likely would you see the ability to implement this intervention into your own facility?

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