Appraise credibility of sources utilizing measures of reliability
Assignment Details
Unit 4 Assignment: Evidence from the Literature
Outcomes addressed:
NU310-2: Appraise credibility of sources utilizing measures of reliability, validity and level of evidence.
GEL 1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.
The purpose of this Assignment is to help you learn to conduct a review of the literature, correctly identify the level of evidence of primary sources on the evidence hierarchy, and to critique the important aspects of a scholarly research report.
1. Choose a nursing sensitive topic from the list below. Go to the University library and conduct a search of the literature and find 2 scholarly primary research reports that relate to the clinical topic you chose.
List of 15 nurse sensitive outcomes:
Nursing Hours per Patient Day.
Nursing Turnover.
Nosocomial Infections.
Patient Falls.
Patient Falls with Injury.
Pressure Ulcer Rate.
Pediatric Pain Assessment, Intervention, Reassessment (AIR) Cycle.
Pediatric Peripheral Intravenous Infiltration.
Psychiatric Physical/Sexual Assault.
RN Education/Certification.
RN Survey.
Staff Mix.
You may also choose from the following clinical topics:
Diabetic management.
CHF management.
Readmission rates.
Case management.
2. Write a brief 2-3-page critical essay paper summarizing the two research studies. This paper should be written in standard American English with proper grammar and spelling. The paper should include a title page, running head, and page numbers; it should be double spaced, have a separate page for references that follows 6th edition APA formatting and citation style.
3. Your paper should include the following:
A title page in APA format
An introductory paragraph which includes a brief discussion of the objectives of your paper.
The body of the paper should include:
> a summary and critique/appraisal of each article with a discussion of methodology and research design the researchers used. The writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.
> where you would place the article in the evidence hierarchy (level of research evidence) with rationale.
> a brief discussion of the findings of the study
>how these articles contribute to the body of nursing knowledge and supports evidence for clinical practice. (one to two paragraphs for each study).
The body of the paper should be a continuous piece of writing that allows for a sustained viewpoint with logical order and organization.
4. A summary paragraph (conclusion).
5. Paper should be no more than 4 pages in length including title page and separate reference page with 3-5 scholarly references.
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