Research Paper: Competitive Intelligence Best Practices

Research the various methods different companies use to gather competitive intelligence and then analyze the most effective methods by which companies should gather competitive intelligence.

In your paper include:

  • Examples and also identify where the resources can be found to support your work.
  • A rationale for the references that you have selected to support your views.

In your paper include a title sheet and 2-3 references.  Only one reference may be found on the internet.  The other references must be found in the Grantham University online library.  Only the body of the paper will count toward the word requirement.  Please see rubric below.







Grading Criteria Assignments Maximum Points
Meets or exceeds established assignment criteria 40
Demonstrates an understanding of lesson concepts 20
Clearly presents well-reasoned ideas and concepts 30
Uses proper mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure,  spelling, and APA 10
Total 100
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