Crisis Intervention & Workplace Violence Prevention



Topic #2:

Crisis Intervention & Workplace Violence Prevention

What types of crisis intervention do you (or will you) perform at your site? What will you do when a client expresses suicidal ideation?

Homicidal ideation?

Child abuse?

Elder abuse?

What are your site’s specific safety plans/protocols in case of various crises (ie. Suicidal/homicidal ideation, etc.)?

What are your responsibilities when those safety plan/protocols are initiated.

Topic #3:

Clinical Documentation

What are your various documentation responsibilities at your site?

What are some of the easiest aspects of documentation?

What are some of the difficult aspects of documentation?

Include a de- identified example of your documentation in this week’s paper (e.g., progress note, treatment plan).



Discuss your understanding of the assessment process including the diagnostic interview. Which of the major assessment devices might you utilize during the assessment process and why? How might you get a client to complete these questionnaires?




In the United States we do not have a consensus as to what constitutes responsible drinking


behavior. This leads to controversy and confusion regarding the definition of problem drinking


and standards for responsible drinking.


Please rank each of the following examples into one of three categories: Less than


responsible (LR); Responsible (R); and Very Responsible (VR). Discuss each ranking


within your group.


1.______Sheryl and Jim enjoy each others company a lot, and sometimes they like to go out


dancing at a bar. When they drink, Sheryl usually reaches her limit of three or four beers before


Jim, but she does not like to refuse Jim’s offer of another round.


2.______Jackie, who recently moved off campus, loves to throw parties for her friends. There’s


always good food and plenty of beer and wine, but she also serves non-alcoholic beverages for


those who choose not to drink.


3.______After a hard days work, George usually comes home and has a few drinks to relax.


4.______Amy likes to have a good time at parties and she enjoys drinking, though she doesn’t go


just to drink. She enjoys seeing her friends and having fun. Drinking sometimes enhances these


social activities, however, it is not the focus of her socializing.


5.______Pete, a first year student, doesn’t drink all that often, but when he does, he really “ties


one on”.


6.______Hitting the bars with his friends is one of John’s favorite pastimes but he knows his limit


and tries to stick with it. John never has more than six beers, especially if he is driving.


7.______Jerry likes to have everyone have a good time at his parties, but he is never insistent


about refilling drinks. In fact, Jerry will express displeasure if he feels that a person has had too


much to drink.




Please complete the Responsible Drinking Behavior.  Pay particular attention to #3 and #6.  Thoroughly use your clinical skills and insight to answer all questions, and these two specifically.  Fully explain your clinical reasoning.


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