Describe the statistics and trend of breast cancer worldwide and in Saudi Arabia, risk factors for breast cancer, its effect to Saudi Arabia, the role of nurses in breast cancer, the challenges they face and recommendations.

Describe the statistics and trend of breast cancer worldwide and in Saudi Arabia, risk factors for breast cancer, its effect to Saudi Arabia, the role of nurses in breast cancer, the challenges they face and recommendations.


Demonstrate what breast cancer is briefly before explaining the impact and significance of breast cancer to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The research should also aim to at least demonstrate a few roles oncology nurses can play in supportive care of patients with breast cancer as well as suggest prevention roles they can implement at both the primary prevention and secondary prevention.

Use google search engine and google scholar to come up with scholarly articles.

Research work should contain relevant study topics were then taken with the exclusion criteria being the year of publication. Research papers from the year 2006 – 2017 should be referenced to.

Use APA style of reference.

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