discuss the topic of Health Care as a right or a privilege
Using the guidelines presented on pages 194-205 of your text go to the website Procon.org and using the guidelines below discuss the topic of Health Care as a right or a privilege. This should be a 3-4 page paper and I will be looking for primary source citations.
Please use standard margins and set line spacing at 1.5.
Suggested Subheadings:
Background: Express your opinion/position about the issues addressed by this topic. (1-2 paragraphs)
Disclosure: Describe your knowledge about the topic and identify your attitudes, beliefs, values and any bias you may have about the issues associated with the topic (1-2 paragraphs)
My Knowledge: Is your understanding of the issues balanced; can you articulate both sides of the issues? (1-2 paragraphs)
Factual Findings: What are the facts for and against the issues related to the topic? What factual information did you find to support your position? Describe at least 2 pieces of factual information that refutes your position or bias. (2-3 paragraphs)
Pro-Con Summary: What were two arguments presented for and against that are new, or added to your list of things to consider? If after reading the Pro-Con arguments you have discovered new information express what you’ve learned and describe how that has influenced your position (1-2 paragraphs)
Facts vs. Opinion: If there is factual evidence to your position state it here. If not, are there strong opinions that work in your favor? If no factual information was presented, identify at least 2 opinions that are used to state a position. (1-2 paragraphs)
Support for My Position: Identify the two arguments that best support your position. (1-2 paragraphs)
Opposition to My Position Identify the two strongest arguments that oppose your view about the topic. (1-2 paragraphs)
Summary: Summarize whether your position has been enhanced or weakened by the arguments presented in favor or against your original position. (2-3 paragraphs)
Use the
Assignment 7 template as a guide for formatting your paper.
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