Health Promotion Program, Part A: Project Intent and Learning Objectives

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Health Promotion Program, Part A: Project Intent and Learning Objectives
The first step in developing your 10-20 minute health promotion project is to identify your topic as it relates to a HP 2020 objective, target population, overarching goal and learning objectives. There is a sample paper for you to view in the Resources Tab that is found on the left hand side of you Blackboard screen. Please make sure to read the following instructions regarding this assignment

When writing your three learning objectives for your health promotion program, please consider the ABCD of writing objectives: Audience (learning objectives relevant for target audience, include target audience age range),Behavior (includes appropriate use of action verbs; matching the domain),Condition (a condition of the desired task),Degree (a measureable outcome/amount/accuracy).Please limit your learning objectives to no more than 3; remember, the presentation should last between 10 – 20 minutes.Note: Your chosen topic must be based on primary prevention, include 3-5 audience members who are 10 years of age or older

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