Nursing discussion board
Informatics – Much of what nurses do involves technology. Documentation is computer-based, and medicationbarcode scanning is the standard of care. The definition of informatics is, “The use of information andtechnology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision making” (QSEN, 2003).Evidence-Based Practice – Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is defined as “Integrating best current evidence withclinical expertise and patient/family preferences and values for delivery of optimal health care” (QSEN, 2003).An example of EBP is the nurse-driven foley catheter removal protocol. Through clear, approved protocols(without an individual physician order), the number of healthcare associated urinary tract infections dropssignificantly. This is now the standard of care in many hospitals.Read the article:Chasing Zero: ANurse-DrivenProcess ForCatheter-Associated Urinary TractInfectionReduction in a Community Hospital.InstructionsAfter reading the article, recall the assigned readings and activities from the lesson plans. What are yourthoughts on the article about nurse-driven foley catheter removal protocol? Respond to one (1) of theseprompts/questions. Include references:•How did this article describe the integration of Evidence–Based Practice and Informatics?•Discuss another area of healthcare that you have identified as needing research leading to theimplementation of Evidence-Based Practice?•How did informatics support, or create barriers to, communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, orsupport decision making in this article?•What potential barriers exist to implementation of a nurse driven process described in the article?•What was most eye opening or inspiring about the article?