Nursing poor access to healthcare among immigrants living in the United States
For your final paper, you will need to write at least 2,000 words and use at least 8 sources on a topic of your choice, as long as the topic has to do with the medical field or nursing profession. We will go over some options in class, and I will help you brainstorm your topic. This essay must be argumentative, so you will need to take a stand on something or make an argument for or against an issue. We will be covering these different concepts in class. If you need a refresher, you will just need to rewatch the lecture videos related to this assignment. Email me with any questions.Requirements:APA formattingcover pageabstractreference page with sources in APA formattingTimes New Roman, 12 point fontdouble-spacingat least 2,000 wordsat least 8 sourcestopic should be related to the medical field or nursing professionNO PLAGIARISMsubject to late work policy