Passing the plagiarism check of the thesis
Checking for plagiarism is a mandatory procedure when writing a thesis. In this case, the minimum threshold for text uniqueness should, on average, be seventy-five per cent. Before considering this topic in detail, you still need to try to find out what is plagiarism itself.
What is plagiarism?
Plagiarism is the deliberate assignment of copyright to an activity. It is also worth noting that in different universities, there are various acceptable indicators in this regard. For some, seventy per cent is acceptable, while others require at least ninety. Therefore, before you start checking your thesis text for anti-plagiarism, you need to determine what regulations your educational institution adheres to on this topic.
Even if you write this type of scientific work yourself, it is far from the fact that you will pass the anti-plagiarism test the first time since any quote will be regarded as plagiarism and the title page and the list of literature used in work. If you still fail to pass anti-plagiarism, then your work will not be admitted to protection. In some cases, it is even possible to be expelled from the university.
What can be plagiarism in a graduation project?
As a rule, the following types of plagiarism are the most common:
- Rewriting someone else’s thesis (in some cases, several works);
- Mixing your text with other sources, including quotes.
- Rewriting, i.e., Paraphrasing someone else’s text. This is usually the most challenging part for an anti-plagiarism program to figure out.
How can the uniqueness of the text be increased?
To answer this question, it is worth first finding out what is hidden under this term. Usually, the uniqueness is called the original text is written by the author of a scientific study, but here everything is not as simple as it might seem at first, but we will talk about this a little later.
To increase the uniqueness, it is worth using quotes from famous people, but they must be written strictly in quotation marks. Also, the use of quotations in the thesis has its limit. Also, the authorship must be indicated. If you do not correctly format the quote inserted into the text, it will be considered copying.
Besides, you can do more of the central part of the work or add extended output so that your unique text can overlap those fragments that are not unique.
But since anti-plagiarism is just a program, it will not be challenging to outwit it. The only thing is that you have to change the source as much as possible.
Various tricks when using the anti-plagiarism program
- The easiest way is to replace non-unique parts of the text with synonyms. Besides, you can change the case endings. Such methods of text replacement sometimes increase the uniqueness literally at times.
- It is also possible to use a change in the order of words in a sentence, but this must be done so that the original meaning inherent in this fragment of the text is still preserved. Also, it is worth considering that some programs can recognize such a trick.
- There is also such a way: you dilute the non-unique parts of the proposal with the unique ones while complementing the former.
- You can change not only words but also individual characters. Some numbers can be written in words and vice versa. The per cent icon can be adjusted to the word itself, etc.
Perhaps, the above methods are already well known to many students, but not everyone can use them because some people will not allow their conscience to do something like that. A kind of way out in this situation can be a thesis written to order. However, this method is also not entirely honest.
Many different network agencies are ready to provide services of this kind, but even they cannot guarantee one hundred per cent uniqueness of the text. Sometimes a rather unpleasant situation happens: a person orders a job, gets it, pays for it, starts checking for plagiarism, and here it turns out that the percentage of text uniqueness is relatively low, but there is no time to redo it, and a specialist who took the money to bring the identity of the work to the required level flatly refuses without additional payment.
To prevent this from happening to you, you should first ask the performer for a ready-made version of the work, check it yourself on a unique program and only after that pay money if the uniqueness of the text meets the specified standard.
In conclusion, I would like to say that checking the thesis for anti-plagiarism is a rather strict procedure, so you need to take it with full responsibility. Remember that by improving your work in every possible way, you get an additional chance to get a good mark on the defence of the thesis project.
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