project management in health care organizations
Triple Constraints
The term “triple constraints” refers to three universal restrictions that affect project management across virtually all fields, disciplines, and business sectors. These constraints are scope, time, and cost (or resources). In health care organizations, these constraints are especially relevant given the complex, interconnected nature of workflows; the urgent matter of improving care and outcomes; and the unfortunate realities of tight budgets and limited staffing. In addition, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act and its meaningful use objectives have added even more requirements to projects undertaken in the health care field.
This Discussion focuses on project management in health care organizations. You explore how the requirements for meaningful use have complicated the implementation and conversion to a new informatics project. You also consider strategies for addressing and overcoming these challenges.
To prepare
Review this week’s Learning Resources on triple constraints and project management. Consider how each of the three constraints relate to the implementation of workflow changes, technology innovations, and system upgrades in health care settings.
Reflect on the article, “EHR/EMR: ‘Meaningful Use,’ Stimulus Money, and the Serenity Prayer” in the Learning Resources, and consider its relevance to meaningful use objectives and the challenges they pose for the health care field. Also consider your experiences with meaningful use compliance in your health care setting. How does meaningful use contribute to additional stress for organizations?
Consider strategies and recommendations for organizations and nurse informaticists in accommodating meaningful use and triple constraints.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post by tomorrow 11/08/16 a minimum of 550 words essay in APA format with 3 references from the list below, addressing the level one headings as numbered below:
1) An explanation of how each of the triple constraints (scope, time, and cost) relate to project management in health care settings.
2) Describe how meaningful use adds additional complexity to project management planning.
3) Propose at least one specific strategy that could be used to address meaningful use and triple constraints.
Required Readings
Dennis, A., Wixom, B. H., & Roth, R. M. (2015). Systems analysis and design (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
•Review Chapter 2, “Project Selection and Management” (35–80)
•Review Chapter 12, “Moving Into Implementation” (pp. 377–397)
Lee, K. J., & Smith, R. M. (2011). EHR/EMR: “Meaningful use,” stimulus money, and the Serenity Prayer. Ear, Nose & Throat Journal, 90(2), E25–E28.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
The authors outline the steps health organizations need to complete when implementing electronic health records to meet the meaningful use criteria. They argue that although the requirements are rigorous, they will result in more useful systems as well as qualify the organizations for government funding.
Overgaard, P. M. (2010). Get the keys to successful project management. Nursing Management, 41(6), 53–54.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
This article compares the nursing process to the project management and process. It also presents the different phases of project implementation and the role the project manager plays at each phase.
Schifalacqua, M., Costello, C., & Denman, W. (2009). Roadmap for planned change, part 1: Change leadership and project management. Nurse Leader, 7(2), 26–29, 52.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
Change leadership and project management are integral factors of implementing any new policies or structural changes within an organization. The authors of this article describe the key elements of leading change. These include such suggestions as developing a thorough business charter, business budget, business plan, a project time line, and providing the correct project tools.
Sugrue, M. D. (2010). Clinical leaders and the adoption of health IT. Nursing Management, 41(9), 18–21.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
this article, the author highlights the importance of strong leadership in the adoption of HIT. The article outlines the steps of the transformational process and how these can be built upon to ensure the success of the adoption.
Haughey, D. (2011). Understanding the project management triple constraint. Retrieved from
This web page explains the triple constraints of cost, time, and scope that project managers must work within. It also describes how the project manager maintains the balance between these constraints in order to meet organizational goals.
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