review literature in relation to language learning strategies, emphasise macro skill you are looking at (reading or writing), literature that relates to your participant’s proficiency level and socio cultural background.

General Guidelines – Assessment Task 2 – 7902LAL


*  Keep copies of all assessment work submitted

3000 words  ( +/- 10%) – Assignments that exceed or go under the word limit undermine equitable and valid assessment of student cohorts and will be penalised.


Title – supply a suitable title for your case study.


Abstract (150-200 words) – research question, context, methods, findings, conclusion, implications


Introduction (150-200 words) – purpose of research, how paper organised


Literature Review (450-500 words) – review literature in relation to language learning strategies, emphasise macro skill you are looking at (reading or writing), literature that relates to your participant’s proficiency level and socio cultural background. Consider- Why is it important to identify second language learners’ choice of use of LLSs?


Methodology (Research Methods) (700-750 words) – the process  – participant description, setting, ethical considerations, data collection method, data analysis


Findings (300-350 words) succinct, most important points – tables, graphs, charts


Discussion (1000 words) – discuss findings not retell them; any claims you make must be substantiated with evidence from analysis and backed up by literature; include limitations of data and any other limitations


Conclusion (100 words) summarise and reiterate findings




References – APA 6 – expectation would be up to 2 pages



  1. Information sheet given to participant.
  2. Signed consent form
  3. Task
  4. Interview transcript
  5. Templates used for coding and analysis
  6. Actual analysis

 7902LAL ASSESSMENT 2 RUBRIC Criteria Outstanding Standard Very High Standard Good Standard Satisfactory Standard Unsatisfactory Standard Marks 5 – 4.25 4 3.5 3 – 2.5 2 – 0 Abstract and Introduction (context and aims) Succinct, relevant and explicit discussion of the context and aims of the study Relevant and clear discussion of the context and aims of the study Good discussion of the context and aims of the study Some logical development of information about the context and aims of the study No description of the context and aims of the study evident /5 Literature Review / theoretical context Theoretical context for the study discussed with links to other research clearly and succinctly outlined Theoretical context for the study clearly outlined and related to other research Theoretical context clearly outlined and related to other research Theoretical context outlined, some attempt to relate the proposed study to other research No consideration of the theoretical context /5 Discussion of methodology (participants, instrument, data collection and analysis) Insightful discussion of all methodological elements including their strengths and limitations Insightful discussion of most methodological elements including their strengths and limitations Good discussion of methodological elements and some attempt at discussing the strengths and limitations Description of some methodological elements provided but incomplete Scant reference to design elements or processes of doing study /10 Understanding of ethical issues and procedures Demonstrates a thorough understanding of ethical issues and procedures Demonstrates a very good understanding of ethical issues and procedures Demonstrates a good understanding of ethical issues and procedures Show some understanding of ethical issues, but discussion is incomplete No consideration of the ethical issues of the research evident /10 Presentation and interpretation of findings Observations, assumptions and interpretations are extremely well substantiated with findings from analysis of data Observations, assumptions and interpretations are well substantiated with findings from analysis of data Observations, assumptions and interpretations are substantiated with findings from analysis of data Some attempt to substantiate observations, assumptions and interpretations with findings from analysis of data No attempt to substantiate observations, assumptions and interpretations with findings from analysis of data Discussion of findings including an understanding of the content and relevant research as well as limitations involved in the study Insightful understanding and discussion of the findings, relevant research and limitations involved in the study Insightful understanding and discussion of most of the findings, research and limitations involved in the study Good understanding and discussion of the findings, research and limitations involved in the study Some attempt at discussing the findings, relevant research and the limitations involved in the study No or little discussion of the findings, relevant research or the limitations involved in the study /25 Conclusion of the study Extremely clear summary and reiteration of findings Good summary and reiteration of findings Clear summary and reiteration of findings Some attempt at summarising and reiterating findings No or little attempt at summarising and reiterating findings Appropriate presentation format (section headings, standard academic discourse and appropriate and accurate referencing) Extremely well presented with clear section headings; extremely high level of academic discourse; external sources accurately and appropriately referenced Well presented with clear section headings; use of a high level of academic discourse; external sources accurately and appropriately referenced. Good presentation with section headings; use of a good level of expression throughout; good attempt at referencing external sources Some lapses in presentation;. use of an adequate level of expression throughout; some errors in referencing Very poor presentation. Very poor literacy standard. Incomplete and inconsistent referencing. /5 Total Marks /60 


The following template is a guide only and you may delete, rename or change column headings to suit your needs. Read the interview transcript thoroughly. Once you are familiar with it, consider what the participant reports (during the interview) he/she does while doing that task. Record this information on the template as appropriate. I have given two examples. Sometimes, when you examine what the learner does (2nd column), you may find that the learner is using more than one strategy. In a case like this, you need to record all (as in my second example). Once the template is filled in, you can condense this information and present it in the body of your essay.  ** describes what you need to do within these columns/cells.



Strategy Use What the learner does Strategy Strategy Type Instance Frequency Other comments Page & Line/s
Pre During Post
Ö I usually check dictionary when I don’t understand a word… Resourcing Cognitive Dealing with difficult words Page 2 lines 18 – 22Line numbers refer to the interview transcript
Ö I usually think and put things together before I start writing or make notes Advanced organisation Metacognitive Dealing with content  organisation // Page 8, lines 9 -12Line numbers refer to the interview transcript
Note Taking Cognitive Dealing with content  organisation /
**This is to see whether the strategy is being used before, during or after the task **These are the actual words spoken by the learner **Find these out by looking at the definitions I have provided **You have to find when (what for) the learner is using the strategy. ** number of times the strategy occurs **If you have any other comments & remarks








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