role of a nurse in a correctional setting
The community health setting for this paper must be a correctional setting such as a jail or prison (state, federal, men’s, women’s, juvenile, psychiatric, military, etc.)
Introduction (one paragraph):
The introduction should be interesting and capture the reader’s attention.
Introduce the assigned community setting
Briefly identify CHN role(s) in this setting
Identify vulnerable population(s) served in this setting
Include a purpose statement
Community Setting (two to three paragraphs)
Describe the assigned community setting, including vulnerable population(s) served.
Discuss three health services provided by the a CHN in the assigned setting.
Use your textbook or an outside scholarly source to address these sub-points.
Health Promotion Nursing Intervention (two to three paragraphs)
Describe in detail health promotion intervention(s) that a CHN could implement in the assigned community setting.
Identify people/organizations/community members this CHN role may collaborate with in health promotion interventions.
Utilize at least one peer-reviewed scholarly article related to a health promotion intervention.
Professional Nursing Organization (two paragraphs)
Provide a detailed description of a professional nursing organization related to the assigned community setting. Search the text, your article, or the Internet for one professional organization that supports nurses in this role. If you can’t find an organization specific to this group, search the American Nurses Association (ANA) website for information on this role. Cite the organization in the body of the text with (organization name, year), and include a complete reference on the reference page.
Discuss one professional issue that this organization is addressing related to the assigned community setting.
The summary reiterates key points about:
The community setting and the CHN role(s)
Health promotion intervention
Professional organization
Includes a concluding statement.
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