Summarize your childhood and family.

Summarize your childhood and family. Include the following information:

Where were you born (e.g., state, country, or geographical region)?

Do you have siblings?

Where do you fall in the birth order of your family?

Where did you grow up?

What was your childhood like?

How did your understanding of self and gender begin to develop?

What role did gender stereotypes play?  What types of toys were you encouraged to play with? What activities were you encouraged to do?

What was your adolescence like?  Was it a time of storm and stress, or was it a smooth transition?


Detail the nature versus nurture controversy from the scientific evidence.  Address the following:

Define nature and nurture.

Describe which (either nature or nurture) you feel had a greater impact on your development.  

How did nature and nurture work together to influence who you are today in terms of personality, sexuality, and gender?…Black male raise in the country…five sisters one brother

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