Using the Walden library, identify two to three current articles that address your selected research priority. Consider the current state of research efforts on this priority.

  • Review Chapter 7 in The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health report provided in the Learning Resources. Focus on the information in Box 7.3, “Research Priorities for Transforming Nursing Leadership.”
  • Select one of the research priorities listed in Box 7.3 that is of particular interest to you and applicable to your career interests. Consider the benefits and challenges of researching and addressing this priority in nursing.
  • Using the Walden library, identify two to three current articles that address your selected research priority. Consider the current state of research efforts on this priority.
  • Reflect on how the research findings for your area of priority impact nurses as leaders in organizations and health care reform. Why is research on this priority important?
  • attachment

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